The Sacrament of Confirmation
The Sacrament of Confirmation completes Baptism and it empowers us for our mission and vocation. We first receive the Spirit at Baptism, and then are "sealed" by the Spirit in a special way in Confirmation, which is the "completion of baptismal grace"
(CCC 1285)

What is Confirmation
Confirmation is one of the seven sacraments and is known as a Sacrament of Initiation, along with Baptism and Eucharist. It’s seen as the completion of Baptism, where a baptized person is "confirmed" or strengthened in their faith. Through Confirmation, Catholics believe they receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit to deepen their relationship with God and to strengthen them to live as a committed follower of Christ.
Child Faith Formation
Faith Formation classes begin Sunday, September 8th. If you have not registered, you must call the parish office at 830-931-2826 and ask for Becky to make an appointment to register. Some first day reminders:
Grades 1 -7 will meet in church at 9:00 am on the first day of class.
Grades 8-11 meet at 10:30 am and will go directly to class.
Sacramental Prep students will meet at 10:30 am and will go directly to class as well.
Adult Faith Formation
Registration for OCIA will take place on Tuesday, September 27th at 7:00 pm at the Braden Keller Community Center. Adults interested in sacramental preparation or becoming members of the Catholic Church are encouraged to sign up for classes. Classes will be offered in both English and Spanish
To learn more visit Becoming Catholic under the Ministries tab.
For more information call the parish office at (830) 931-2826 and ask for Director of Religouis Education - Deborah Ruiz.